The purchase receipt needs to be sent with the product in order to act as proof. Should be returned in its original packaging.

In order to be eligible for a return, the product should: The whole process will take approximately 5-6 working days. Colorshow.pk will also bear the cost of the shipping charges for the return of the damaged good. If it indeed turns out to be our fault, the customer will have the liberty to ask either for a refund, a new article of the same product, a different product with the same price tag, or a voucher with credit of the same amount as the returned product which will assist fully in future purchases. Customer should contact our team within 24 hours ( 021-34145359 10.30AM to 7.30PM) of the delivery time and will then be asked to share pictures of the damaged good along with the invoice or order number in order to clarify the problem.

Apply a small amount and blend evenly with a sponge for undetectable, traceless coverage that brightens and unifies skin. Perfect for combination skin, Match Perfection Foundation from Rimmel London is the right choice when you want light to medium coverage that lasts all day at work or all night out on the town. The soft focused powders optically blur imperfections, helping to reduce discolorations, dark circles, and pores while light-absorbing pigments match the skin’s real tone for perfectly flawless skin… all day long.
#Rimmel color match foundation skin#
Want the London look? Match Perfection Foundation from Rimmel London gives you a match so perfect, it’s undetectable in any light! Its unique lightweight formula instantly blends into your skin and adapts to skin tone to help perfect your complexion.